Andrew Jones Head of Narrative and Sustainability Reporting

Andrew Jones

Andrew is our expert on narrative and sustainability reporting. He is an expert on effective corporate communication and on compliance with company law in this area.


Andrew has over twenty years of experience in technical accounting, performance measurement and valuation in capital markets, and investor communications and non-financial reporting. Experience before joining the firm includes many FTSE 100 and Eurotop 300 companies including leading investor engagement at the International Integrated Reporting Council and as a partner and head of research at the UK’s leading investor relations consultancy.

Andrew is known for his understanding of how investors use published financial and non-financial information to assess corporate performance and valuation and his ability to clearly present complex valuation and performance data in graphical form. He has an active role in developing non-financial and sustainability reporting and KPIs in this area through his previous role with the IIRC and engagement with regulators and other bodies involved in this area. He is also an expert in understanding the interaction of corporate structure and law in corporate reporting.

Work highlights

  • Andrew is a member of Accountancy Europe's sustainability reporting group and the ICAEW's financial and non-financial reporting committees.
  • He is deeply involved in the evolution of corporate reporting and has extensive experience in investor relations and integrated reporting.

Accreditations/ Memberships of professional bodies

  • Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 
  • Chartered Financial Analyst