Environmental Policy

As part of being a socially responsible firm, we are committed to doing everything we can to manage our business activities to reduce our environmental impact and help our people lead more sustainable lives. Everyone has a role to play, and all team members are therefore expected to act in accordance with this Policy to ensure that it is fully implemented.

In order to do this, we will:

  • reduce our consumption of resources, including those related to energy, waste and travel;
  • invest in and promote alternative and more environmentally friendly solutions;
  • agree targets and devise meaningful measurements in relation to reducing our consumption of resources;
  • regularly track, analyse and review measurements and monitor them against agreed targets that have been approved by our UK Executive Board;
  • publicly report on agreed targets;
  • uphold our commitment to the 1.5˚C science based GHG reduction targets;
  • reduce our waste output to a minimum and ensure that any remaining waste is disposed of in a way which results in minimal environmental impact, prioritising circular economy principles of rethink, reduce, re-use, recover and recycle;
  • give due consideration to the impact of our choices on the environment when refurbishing or selecting new premises, including the continuing impact of activities associated with such choices;
  • seek to understand the impact on the environment of any third-party contractors or suppliers when issuing invitations to tender;
  • choose to work with external stakeholders with similar approaches;
  • comply with all UK and relevant environmental legislation and seek to adopt any generally accepted best practices;
  • engage with our internal and external stakeholders with a view to provide or share information, encouragement and support towards making environmentally friendly choices in accordance with this Policy;
  • verify our commitment to reducing our environmental impact by working towards the achievement and maintenance of generally recognised UK environmental standards and certifications, as well as the completion of relevant assessments and disclosures;
  • remain a committed participant of the UN Global Compact;
  • review this Policy on a regular basis.


Mazars’ Environmental Policy